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SIRCOMA 21(Black Jack) Video Poker Instruction Manual
This Manual is in a PDF format, 22 pages, instant download after purchase.SIRCOMA Red Dog Video Poker Instruction Manual
This Manual is in a PDF format, 18 pages, instant download after purchase. SIRCOMA Slot Machine University Students handbook/manual
This Manual is in a PDF format. Specifically for the double screen Keno model. This is a study of SIRCOMA Double Screen Keno video slot machine. Includes about 50 pages of schematics on these early Sircoma machines. This is it!, If you ever wanted to learn these old Sircoma Machines, this study manual will get you there! It takes each items like the power supply and goes through it all. Tons of circuit draws, information for clearing rams, card cage, boards, monitors, circuits. This is the information that the slot school used to teach you everything about these Sircoma Machines. You just would never find this information out there, but you just did here, and right now. There are 186 pages of impossible to find information here. Instant download after purchase.SIRCOMA Video "Draw Poker" Instruction Manual
This Manual is in a PDF format. For the 1979-1980 Models. Try to find one of these manuals on Sircoma, and fortune coin Co., Video Poker Machines. Well you just did, and here it is. Instant download after purchase.SIRCOMA Video Slot Machine Instruction Manual
This Manual is in a PDF format, 21 pages, instant download after purchase.